Theses and Dissertations

As part of the University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus’ degree requirements, graduate students present a master’s project or thesis and a doctoral dissertation. It is DEGI’s responsibility to establish the institutional regulations regarding the format of theses, dissertations, and equivalent projects.

The documents that state these regulations are “Guía para el Establecimiento de Procedimientos Pertinentes a Tesis” and “Formato para las Tesis o Proyectos de Maestría y las Tesis de Doctorado en el Recinto de Río Piedras“, approved by the Graduate Studies and Research Advisory Board in December 12, 1997 and currently under revision.  

The documents that state these regulation are “Guía para el Establecimiento de Procedimientos Pertinentes a Tesis” and “Formato para las Tesis o Proyectos de Maestría y las Tesis de Doctorado en el Recinto de Río Piedras“, approved by the Graduate Studies and Research Advisory Board in December 12, 1997 and currently under revision.

These documents include the specific procedures that must occur during a thesis or project elaboration process, such as the formation of the Thesis or Dissertation Committee, proposal submission, thesis defense applications, etc.

DEGI supports the student during this process through the Institutional Committee for the Protection of Human Beings in Research (CIPSHI, for its Spanish abbreviation) and the publication of theses, projects, and dissertations in ProQuest.  

We also offer grants annually for theses and dissertations that graduate students can apply for.

ProQuest circulates internationally, in electronic form, the research conducted at universities as requirement for conferred degrees. DEGI has been promoting the publication of theses, projects, and dissertations of the Río Piedras Campus graduate student body through ProQuest since 1997. Since January 2010 the process is done solely electronically.

General Steps to Electronically Submit a Thesis to ProQuest

ProQuest developed the ETD Administrator platform, in use since January 2010 as the only method for the submission of theses and dissertation at this Campus. ETD Administrator allows the entire process to be online. Since September 27, 2010 the “Traditional Publishing” submission has been free.

URL Link:

Author-Controlled Access

While some authors want their thesis or dissertations to get as much dissemination as possible, others prefer to limit the publication due to doubts over previous publication or future plans to submit it to academic journals. ProQuest has developed many mechanisms to attend to this concern. For example, an author can restrict the distribution of their manuscript and still allow ProQuest to store it in electronic format or microform, and to include its bibliographic citation and abstract in ProQuest’s Dissertations and Theses database. The publication restriction may be an embargo for a specific period of time or be in effect indefinitely, until the author removes the restriction (complete restriction). If this concern arises after submitting the dissertation or thesis to ProQuest, the company may apply these type of restrictions prospectively, if the author requests it.

If you have any questions about your dissertation or thesis publication, contact ProQuest’s Author and School Relations Team at 1.800.521.0600 ext. 77020 or via e-mail.

Electronic Submission Process

The graduate program guides the student in the process of submitting their thesis or doctoral dissertation with ProQuest through the Dean’s Office of Graduate Studies and Research (DEGI). They must make sure the student has a clear understanding of the following things, among others:

  1. Manuscript’s preparation for submission to ProQuest
    • An abstract of 350 words max. is required for dissertations and 150 words max. for Master’s thesis.
    • Before starting the electronic submission process for their thesis or dissertation, the student must determine the Primary Subject Category and two additional optional categories (Guide 2: Subject Categories in ProQuest’s page, in the section titled Resources and Guides).
    • They must prepare up to six keywords that refer to the important themes of the thesis or dissertation. These will facilitate the search for information for researches in indexes, catalogues, or databases.
    • The thesis or dissertation must appear in its entirety as a single file to be submitted electronically. The manuscript must be submitted in PDF format. The system provides the necessary tool to convert it from a Word document to PDF. This must be done before starting the submission process.
    • The manuscript must have the full names of the director and thesis committee members.
  2. The student successfully defends the thesis or dissertation.
  3. The student electronically submits the thesis or dissertation to ProQuest. If any corrections have to be made, DEGI will notify the student.
  4. If applicable, make the payment for electronic submission. The total cost, if any, will depend on the options selected when submitting.
  5. After the thesis or dissertation is approved for submission, DEGI will e-mail the student the “Certificación de entrega de la tesis para inscripción en ProQuest” (Submission of Thesis for Registration in ProQuest Certification) and will send the graduate program a copy of said certification.

Detailed Process for Submitting your Thesis or Dissertation with ProQuest

  1. You must access the electronic portal: For questions, contact DEGI at 787-764-0000, ext. 86700, or visit them on the second floor at Antiguo Hogar Masónico.
  2. Click “Submit my dissertation/thesis”.
  3. Create an account by clicking “Create an account”. You will be asked to provide your full name, e-mail address, and create a username and password.
  4. Read the instructions and press “Continue”.
  5. Choose between the two publication options: Traditional and Open Access Publishing. The traditional publication option means it can be accessed through ProQuest’s database. This option is free. The Open Access Publication has a fee as indicated in the submission form and it means that the thesis will be available for free in PDF format to anyone with internet access. You will also need to notify if any accessibility restriction will be applied.
  6. Press “Save & Continue”.
  7. Read the Publishing Agreement and press “Accept” to continue.
  8. Complete the personal information section and press “Save & Continue”.
  9. On the next page, provide information about yourself, the degree and thesis, the Primary Subject Category and two optional categories, up to six keywords, your address, etc.
  10. Copy and paste your thesis or dissertation’s abstract into the provided space and press “Save & Continue”.
  11. Upload the thesis or dissertation file, in identical form to the final bound document delivered to the graduate program and press “Save & Continue”. If the document is not in PDF format, you can convert it by pressing “convert your manuscript to PDF”. The converting process may last from 5 to 15 minutes. You must select “Save As” and then click the PDF option that appears on the left column to continue with the submission process.
  12. The system provides the option of uploading any complementary file for your work. For example, sound or video. When this process is finalized, press “Save & Continue”.
  13. Notify any additional details regarding restrictions to your thesis submission. Press “Save & Continue”.
  14. Select whether you want ProQuest to process the Copyright Registration of your thesis or dissertation with the United States Library of Congress. This is optional and involves a fee set by ProQuest.
  15. Verify the details of your submission and make the necessary changes using the menu on the left.
  16. Lastly, select how you wish to make the payment (if applicable)—Visa, Mastercard, or American Express. The cost will vary according to the selected services.
  17. ProQuest’s system will automatically send an email to DEGI so they can verify that the document meets the necessary specifications. If the thesis or dissertation does not meet the publication requirements, DEGI will send an email to the student so they can make the necessary corrections.
  18. DEGI’s approval will allow the document to be electronically delivered and with that the submission process will end.
  19. Once the thesis has been approved, DEGI will electronically send you the official document titled “Certificación de entrega de la tesis para la inscripción en ProQuest” (certification of completion) that demonstrates that all the necessary documents for thesis or dissertation submission have been received and therefore this graduation requirement has been met. They will also send a copy to the academic program’s coordinator. 


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